Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Great Year

Wow! This school year is going really well. I feel I am a part of a wonderful team that is really making a difference for students. It is fun and rewarding.

Although I haven't been reading many books since school officially began, I have been reading the New York Times (at least the popular articles) everyday. This was an interesting article about working efficiently:

We're in our second week of October, and we have had only one staff meeting that was quick, productive and positive. In addition to reducing the number of meetings, I think I need blocks of time with no interruptions. Days when I can take even 15 minutes in the lunchroom also give me a positive lift for the afternoon. Even though I don't always do it, making a prioritized list helps me work more productively. Finally, taking a short break every couple of hours helps when I am working on weekly lesson plans.

People "out here" at our rural school all work hard. I never feel the need to "pretend" I am working. Actually, I feel better when I'm not here too late after school because I seem to get so little accomplished.