Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Yearly Goal at Rusch Completed

Goal: Differentiate math instruction to extend the development assessment approach to 6th grade. Create remediation lessons and finish with quick assessments. Provide some algebra enrichment and readiness skills to the higher end (230+).

Steps for Achieving Goal:
  • I set up my grade book based on standards achievement during the 3rd and 4th quarters of the school year. Students also completed self-assessments and self-tracked achievement of standards during units 7 and 8. 
  • I created remediation lessons for students who had difficulty on the quick assessments. Lessons were taught by a parent volunteer, peer tutors or me.
  • Algebra enrichment and readiness skill sessions were held every Tuesday and Thursday after school from 3:05-3:50 until 4/22/11.
  • YouTube lessons and computer games were added to my class website.
  • I completed two action research studies to study the effects of differentiation in mathematics and wrote a literature review.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Narrative Statement for Next Year's Research

Research Study - How can I differentiate content, lessons and standards-based assessment in mathematics classes so all students make academic growth?

1.  I will be researching the effects of differentiation in mathematics classes. The purpose of this study is to meet the needs of all 4th grade mathematics students in my school. I will begin collecting data from the beginning of the 2011-2012 school year until the second MAP (Measure of Academic Progress) test is completed in early February 2012.
  • My plan is to create binders for each math unit using three levels of content and instruction for each lesson.
  • Standards-based assessment charts will be used to help students monitor their achievement of each standard.
  • Opportunities for reteaching and retesting will be available for all math standards.
  • ALEKS (Assessment and Learning in Knowledge Spaces) online computer instruction will be provided for students who achieve at the 95th-99th percentile on the MAP test.
  • After the first MAP test, Enrichment Math Parties will be held on Tuesday and/or Thursday nights after school. These parties will be open to all students who accept an invitation to complete packets of individualized instruction.
  • Online instruction in the form of YouTube lessons will be made available on my class website.
  • Class practice tests, problems and explanations will also be available online and in hard copy form.
  • Everyday Math Games, games related to RIT (Rasch Unit) scores, and other online instructional games will be available on my class website.
  • Questionnaires will be given to students at the beginning, middle and end of data collection period.
  • I will add a weekly reflection regarding math instruction onto my lesson plans.
2.  Data from classroom testing, MAP testing, student questionnaires and teacher reflections will be used to form results. My students are 9-and-10-year-old fourth graders. There are currently three students with learning disabilities out of 46 students. Most students are Caucasian.

3.  My parent/guardians will not receive a written notification of informed consent since I will not complete the research for publication.