Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New School Year!

Today is the first day of "real" school. No more just doin' a little of this and a little of that whenever...or never. This summer was awesome! It was just what I needed to recharge my optimism and enthusiasm for learning and teaching. Tomorrow we'll start planning fourth grade stuff, and hopefully I'll get an opportunity to actually introduce myself to the new teacher I will (be trying to) mentor this year.

I went back and forth about mentoring this year, but in the end, I think I could help someone else get adjusted to Portage. I still remember all the things no one told me when I started here, and all the things I didn't know when I started at a different school last year. Most teachers graduating from college know just as much or more about new teaching methods as I do, and they sure know a lot more about technology than I do! But adjusting to Portage is the one thing I could help someone learn.

Sooooo, I'm going to try and keep a list of the things "no one told me, but I should have known."

1. Get your substitutes set for all the days you will miss for grade level classes BEFORE the start of the year.*

2. Good parking places that aren't off limits.

3. Pick out one or two personal days on the first inservice day. Bring a calendar and addresses to the first inservice.*

4.  Look at other people's websites to get good links (Everyday Math, Smartboard Sites, CoolMath, etc.).

5.  Sign out the computer lab way, way, way ahead of time.

6.  Sign up early for MAP Testing the first time. Sign up late for the next two times.

7.  Watch the questions your students are getting on the MAP test. Adjust curriculum accordingly.

8.  The first 10 questions of the MAP test are much more important than the next 40 questions.

9.  Try to get (or switch with me or other teachers) an early date for lounge, fitness Friday, etc.

10. The importance of volunteers*

11. A good safety patrol fundraiser, community service, points, and the importance of staying eligble

12. The shirts, face painting, posters, Spirit Week, and parade for Homecoming

13. The sixth graders helping out at Halloween

14. School supplies such as glue, paper, colored/subject folders, and dry erase markers*

15. Donations for end-of-the-year field trip and picnic

16. Tips for writing reflections on lesson plans*

17. Snacks, milk, lunch, Book It Pizzas, testing food, soda, refrigerators

18. Xerox printing and paper: Things you should know

19. County fair projects and money

20. Differences at Rusch compared to other Portage Schools
  • curriculum
  • grading
  • parent club
  • funds
  • technology
  • after school
  • lunch
  • recess
21. Band practice and choir practice times*

22. Schedule and Agenda Lists*

23. Student of the Week Ideas

*First items

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