Sunday, July 24, 2011

An Absolutely Lovely Day

It was a gorgeous day on the lakefront. I had forgotten how beautiful the boats could move across the waves on a sunny day. Phil wants to live on a sailboat and travel along the world's coasts. I could do that as long as we have a snug, little cabin, and we don't go on some sort of around the world endurance test.

We also went to Discovery World. The highlights were the overhead fish aquarium, the flight simulator and the bed of nails. The girls went to the Design It lab while Phil and I toured the other parts of the museum. At least four people liked the shirt I bought for Phil that says, "Teach Me How to Bargain."

Around two o'clock we strolled over to Harbor House for a luxurious lunch. (It's hard to believe the restaurant is in the same building that used to contain the dark Pieces of Eight restaurant). Phil and I had oysters for an appetizer, but we couldn't get any of the girls to try one!

Next, we each rented a Segway and went all over the lakefront, art museum and war memorial. It is different than I thought it would be. You go forward, backward and stop using pressure from the toes and heels of your feet. Some people (me included) got a little crazy fooling around, but no one got hurt, so it's okay, right?????

On the way back to Portage, we stopped at Texas Roadhouse BBQ. YeeeHa! Everyone was "tuckered out" by the time we got home, and for once we all went to bed before midnight.

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