Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Technology in Education

Baseline and Ideas

I usually let others lead the way with technology. When the glitches are eliminated, I am willing to use technology on a regular basis. However, I believe technology is a tool for learning, teaching and living. Sometimes, if I am not careful, it becomes an end in itself. For instance, we used to teach students how to write computer code. I have also taken classes in html and java script. Now, I purchase access to teacherweb.com, and I do not have to do any code writing to update my site on a daily basis. I want technology to be simple and helpful.
How can I get my students access to computers more often this year?

What technology could improve the way I teach?

Smart Goal
By the fall of 2011, I will have implemented use of the following technology in my classroom: LCD Projector, Flip Camera, Student Blogs and Wikis, IPod and Website and students will have experience using these tools for projects.

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