Sunday, October 23, 2011

Math Goals

Goal: Within each week's math lessons, I would like to differentiate instruction into at least three levels.


1. Use class website to differentiate instructional assessment materials based on MAP scores.

2. Utilize Part 3 of Everyday Math Lessons.

3. Provide additional after school enrichment and in class small group remediation.


1. MAP Data

2. Computer quiz results

3. Unit Tests

4. Reflections (after each unit)

5. Student self-assessments

Thursday, October 20, 2011


    Tonight I finished hanging tombstones from the ceiling of my classroom. Each students wrote a description of a haunted house on one side, and the other side of the tombstone contains a silly, rhyming epitaph. They are pretty funny! All the kids (including my own two daughters) are talking about their Halloween costumes and trick-or-treating. We have been reading spooky stories in class, and now we're finally starting mysteries. The Fall Festival is a wild and exciting event at school, and I'm getting excited about a trip to Chicago after Teachers' Convention for a little adult Halloween fun!